Fields: Themes

Themes lets you manage the available themes on your system. You can add new themes, or edit or delete existing themes. You can also designate which theme will display as the default theme. When you specify a default theme, any search profile whose associated theme is set to “Use Default Theme” will be displayed using the designated default theme.


You can sort the Theme List by clicking the column heading of the information by which you want to sort. For example, click the “Name” column to sort the Theme List by name. When you click the column heading the first time, the software sorts the information in the Theme List in ascending order by the column heading. If you click the column heading a second time, the software sorts information in the Theme List in descending order by the column heading. When you click a column heading, the software displays a sort arrow to the right of the column name that indicates whether the data is being sorted in ascending () or descending () order.

Theme List

Displays a list of the existing themes on the system. By default, the software includes some pre-configured themes, including those to match existing SirsiDynix products such as EPS and Horizon Information Portal.

The list displays this information:

Option Description


Displays a unique code for the theme (up to 30 characters).


Displays the name of the theme (up to 80 characters).

Source URL

Displays the source URL (up to 256 characters) for the CSS file associated with this theme. The source URL is the location on the server where the CSS file is stored.


Specifies whether this theme is used as the default theme. You can change which theme is designated as the default theme by selecting the checkbox in the Default column. For more information on changing the default theme, see Changing the default theme.

Management options

Lets you manage themes by adding, editing, or deleting them.

You can choose these options:

Option Description

Add Theme

Lets you add a new theme. For more information, see Creating a new theme.


Lets you edit the information for an existing theme. For more information, see Editing a theme.


Lets you delete an existing theme. For more information, see Deleting a theme.

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